Pictures of People
Miscellaneous Pictures
- Neighbors and Friends
- Pictures of service men and women on the Main Street troop banners External link to
Pictures Grouped by Family
- Family of J.R. and Margaret (Dougherty) Ambrose
- Chobody and Kormos Families
- Family of Howard Owen and Nannie Mae (Patterson) Boyer
- Family of Benjamin and Esther (Turney) Geiger
- Family of John and Martha (Scott) Gourley
- Family of Bernard and Anna (Businger) Huber
- Family of Jacob and Susannah (Schrecengost) Lias
- The Marken and Pennsy Families
- Family of Andrew Jackson and Amanda C. (Miller) McGaughey
- Family of Howard O. and Lydia Alice (Jewart) Peters
- Family of Berton and Edith (Rearic) Rearick
- Family of Benjamin and Harriet (King) Schrecengost
- Family of George and Isabella (Cassidy) Stewart
- Family of Hamlet and Mary (Craig) Totten
- Family of Jacob and Catherine (Schall) Waltenbaugh
- Family of Leonard and Elizabeth (Swigart) White