EWING Family History (1910); Sketches of the Families of Thomas Ewing and Mary Maskell, William Ewing and Eleanor Thompson, James Ewing and Eleanor Rhea and their Descendants, by Joseph Lyons Ewing. Also includes information about local families CARUTHERS, FINDLEY and RHEA. External link to the Ewing Family Association.
MARSHALL Family History by Oscar Sloan Marshall (1884). The Marshalls were connected to many other families, so if you are looking for area folks from the early to mid nineteenth centuries, you may find them here. External link to Google Books.
The descendants of Hans MUCKENFUS (McAFOOSE) abt. 1590-???? by Donald E. McAfoose (1995). Other surnames discussed: SCHRECENGOST and BEER. External link to FamilySearch; you will need a (free) FamilySearch account to view and/or download it.
The descendants of Johan Jost SCHRECENGOST, abt. 1700-???? by Donald E. McAfoose (1995). Other surnames discussed: BEER, BOWSER, SCHAEFFER and WAUGAMAN. External link to FamilySearch; you will need a (free) FamilySearch account to view and/or download it.
Joshua HALL: A Family History by Kenneth R. Tessendorff (2007). Other surnames discussed: BOWERS, COOK, DORRIS, McELWAIN, MURDOCK, PEOPLES and TONEY. External link to FamilySearch; you will need a (free) FamilySearch account to view and/or download it.
The Family of Sarah A. COOK: A Family History by Kenneth R. Tessendorff (2007). Other surnames discussed: COOK, HALL, McCORKLE, McELWAIN, PAINTER, TONEY and WALKER. External link to FamilySearch; you will need a (free) FamilySearch account to view and/or download it.
The ELGIN families of America compiled by James G. Elgin (1999). Other surnames discussed: External link to FamilySearch; you will need a (free) FamilySearch account to view and/or download it.
Civil War speech possibly written by Hamlet Totten, my great-great-grandfather. Found in the attic of his home in Rural Valley. Smith's "History of Armstrong County" states that Hamlet Totten ran for county auditor in the Republican ticket circa 1856; this speech was probably written later since it refers to the war in the present tense.
O.S. Marshall, author of the Marshall family history, and his family. Bottom row: Hannah (McIntyre) Marshall and Oscar Sloan Marshall. Top row: children Wilbert, Lucile and Nora. Photo courtesy of Greg Rearick and Chuck Colton.1944 calendar for Hill and Kiffer's Garage in Yatesboro. Submitted by Jack Schrecengost.1908 postcard to Miss Elizabeth Caylor, Creekside, Pa., signed "From Grandma." Submitted by Linda Repine.